Monday, September 27, 2010

The dizzy days of a Pinnegar wife...

Hello, and Greetings from Skyler, Darbee and Anita!
Darbee, Mommy, and Skyler

A quick update of life here in CA...
Skyler is growing up so quickly. Today, He told me he could put on his shirt by himself. How adorable! Needless to say, he put it on, Sort of. I am not sure how he did it, but he gt both arms out one arm hole and was screaming bloody murder! How dare I let him get stuck?!
Skyler asleep on Grandpa Jim's chest 

Clingy to me is strange. Skyler, as we all know, is anything but clingy. Free spirited and independent. Yep, that sounds like Skyler. 

Darbee... well, he is a stage 3 clinger. Not stage 5, thankfully. I think its kind of endearing the way he always wants to be held. He is getting so big now. Most commonly referred to as "the tank baby" by the Pinnegar clan, Darbee is immovable. He is already fitting into most of Skyler's clothes (thankfully, might I add)

Darbee sleeping like an angel
As for myself, I am busy. Between being Mommy and a college student, I have my hands full. Although Art, English and Institute are all very fulfilling, I can't help but be sad sometimes at the amount of time it takes to be a student. Homework itself takes hours. Thankfully we have Jeremy, whom Jason and I have lovingly started referring to as the "Nanny." Nanny that doesn't clean, unfortunately... No, in all actuality life here in California isn't as bad as I had initially thought it would be.
 Albeit that Utah is far more beautiful than Carmichael could ever even imagine being. Its nice. The art world here is huge, which I really appreciate, and the vast amount of different types of people is nothing to scoff at. All in all, we Pinnegars, are adjusting just fine to this new state, thanks to the Technology that still keeps us a fingertips reach away from home.


  1. Anita, I am so glad you started this blog. They are very therapeutic and make a great keepsake. (I publish mine into a hardbound book each year and print one for each of my girls...I hope they look fondly upon it years from now!)

    You are an amazing person and inspiration to us all. I look forward to keeping up to speed on your precious family!

  2. Hey Anita,
    I hope you don't mind that I'm "following" your blog. :) I didn't realize you were still in California. Good luck with school and to echo Summer thanks for being great! :)

  3. I can't wait to get to know you better! (Maybe in person eventually, and not just electronically! lol!)
    Darbee was so sweet when I watched him the other day. Such an easy baby!
